

Students intending to major in music who complete a Scholarship Audition will be considered for awards that range from $1,500 to $5,000. 音乐未成年人和非音乐专业的学生也可以参加试镜, 和 those who qualify will be considered for performance awards to participate in Wind Ensemble, 音乐会合唱, 或当代音乐合奏.


*Students who are returning to SCSU in 2024-2025 will audition live on 2月23日星期五, 2024年,应该完成下面的第二步 speak with their SCSU applied lesson instructor or ensemble director for the audition application link. 回国学生不需要通过Acceptd申请.

第一步:申请St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城

新生和转学生应填写圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 http://safety.jywp.net/admissions 


一旦被录取. 云州, you will activate your StarID to access 和 complete the general Huskies Scholarship application for music at http://safety.jywp.net/huskiesscholarships

Your answers on this general application will automatically match you to all music scholarships for which you qualify. (自动比赛不保证获奖.)


所有奖学金申请人必须完成接受在线申请, 通过下面的红色入口进入. Once in Acceptd, start by choosing a degree 和 program from the dropdown menus on the left. Those wishing to submit a video audition must do so by the deadline of March 15, 2024. 现场试镜的另一个选择将于2月5日举行. 请致电(320)308-3223或发电子邮件预约 music@jywp.net 不迟于二月. 到那个时候你会得到一个 2月29日的具体试镜时间和日程安排.



A scholarship offer will come to you in two forms: a letter from the 音乐 Department at St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城和哈士奇奖学金的通知. The letter will outline your award amount, provisions of award 和 deadline to accept. The Huskies 奖学金’ notification will direct you through the steps to accept your scholarship. 



申请亲自试镜的截止日期(新生) & 转让)



新 & 转学生试镜 & 校园参观日

3月15日星期五 在Acceptd网站提交视频试镜的截止日期
4月15日星期一 奖学金通知通过电子邮件和信件发送
5月15日星期三 在哈士奇奖学金网站上接受奖学金的截止日期


Choose voice or the appropriate instrument below for information about what to prepare for a successful audition.

If you have further questions about the application process, 请联系博士. 凯瑟琳·布什曼,临时主席 music@jywp.net.


  • Students auditioning for admission will perform one selection from memory, 从标准的古典声乐曲目中准备. Students auditioning for scholarships are asked to sing a second piece of contrasting style.
  • An accompanist 和 a brief rehearsal with the accompanist will be provided prior to your audition time.
  • 合适的试镜曲目可从以下曲目中选择:
  • 《威尼斯人官网》卡尔·菲舍尔著
  • 24意大利歌曲和咏叹调,G. Schirmer
  • 《澳门威尼斯人娱乐城》,阿尔弗雷德著
  • 28意大利歌曲与咏叹调,G. Schirmer
  • 女高音/中音/男高音/男中音独唱第一册,G. Schirmer
  • 学生可能会被要求演示范围, 敏捷性, 语调和音质通过一系列的发声.
  • Students will interview with the voice faculty to determine the student's musical background 和 music reading ability.
  • All students must demonstrate the ability to read music to be eligible for acceptance into a private studio.


  • Prepare two works or movements from st和ard solo or etude literature that contrast in 节奏, style, 和/或清晰度. 所有的试演都鼓励有伴奏,但不是必需的.
  • All students will perform major scales 和 chromatic scales, ascending 和 descending. Specific scale requirements for each instrument are available by instrument type: Brass, 打击乐器, Piano, 字符串, 人声或木管乐器.
  • 学生还将被要求在适当的水平上进行视觉游戏, 展示正确的发音, 节奏, 语调, 音色和音乐感.


  • 准备两篇节奏和风格截然不同的文学作品. 有一篇必须背下来.
  • 准备所有的大调和小调音阶(最好是塞戈维亚指法).
  • 学生还将被要求在适当的水平上进行视觉游戏, 展示稳定的节奏, 准确的节奏, 和音乐才能.


  • 准备两篇节奏和风格截然不同的文学作品. 有一篇必须背下来.
  • 准备所有的大调和声小调音阶和琶音, 手在一起, 2个八度, 指法正确.
  • 学生还将被要求在适当的水平上进行视觉游戏, 展示稳定的节奏, 准确的节奏, 骑自行车和音乐


你必须能够读懂音乐(包括记谱和和弦的变化), 对Guitar手在节奏部分的角色有很强的概念吗, 和 demonstrate the various tones appropriate to con节奏rary 和 jazz musical styles including straight ahead jazz, Afro-Latin, 恐慌, 和岩石. Your audition should include a melodic example 和 a comping example that demonstrates your ability to perform in the various musical styles mentioned above. 试镜应该包含大约4分钟的音乐. 即兴独奏能力不是强制性的,但优先考虑.

Students without the recommended musical skills may seek remedial coursework in music to increase your reading 和 playing ability. MUSM 100 和 applied lessons are available to any student 和 can be a great way to jump your music study at SCSU.


你必须能够读懂音乐(包括记谱和和弦的变化), have a strong concept of the 低音 Guitarists’ role within the 节奏 section, 和 demonstrate the various tones appropriate to con节奏rary 和 jazz musical styles. Your audition should contain approximately 4 minutes of music that includes a straight ahead jazz walking 低音 line, 一个时髦的低音线, 和非洲-拉丁低音线. 你的试镜应该表现出无可挑剔的时间, 风格知识, 伟大的语气, 自信的演奏. 我们在找很棒的节奏部分演奏,而不是独奏贝斯练习曲.

Students without the recommended musical skills may seek remedial coursework in music to increase your reading 和 playing ability. MUSM 100 和 applied lessons are available to any student 和 can be a great way to jump your music study at SCSU.


  • The mission of the David Swenson Foundation Scholarship is to support the educational journey of students passionate about the percussive arts 和 is awarded to percussionists majoring in music. 奖金总额为2万美元,分四年发放.
  • SCSU offers degrees in music including the Bachelor of Science in 音乐 Education for those passionate about teaching in the public schools, the Bachelor of 音乐 in Performance for those passionate about professional music 和 teaching, 和 the Bachelor of Arts in 音乐 for those passionate about a variety of careers connected to the field of music.
  • The audition demonstrates accomplishment on at least two of the areas listed below.
  • 虽然不是必需的, many scholarship-worthy percussionists also demonstrate accomplishment on a secondary instrument including piano, Guitar, 低音, 或者在试镜时吹管乐器.
  • 如果学生需要对试听材料的建议, 以下列表仅作为建议而不是必需的. MN MMEA全州试听练习曲也是优秀的试听材料.
  • 打击乐手有机会在管乐团演出, 哈士奇运动乐队, 哈士奇Drumline, 以及当代乐团.
  • 为打击乐手提供专业演出机会. 云包括St。. Cloud Symphony Orchestra, Great River Chorale, 和 GREAT Theater, among others.
  • St. 云州 is close enough to the Twin Cities that many scholarship recipients have participated in MN Brass 和 RCR Drum Corps to augment their educational experience.
  • The percussion studio has four dedicated practice rooms with one Concert Gr和 5.1个细高跟鞋5号.0, 4.6、4.3把Malletech红木马林琴, Malletech红木木琴, 雅马哈/马瑟/马林巴琴One共鸣, 雅马哈和Gretsch鼓组, 路德维希/雅马哈/古德曼Timpani, 种类繁多的巴西和古巴手鼓, 以及其他各种各样的音乐会打击乐. Two of the percussion practice rooms are equipped for recording projects including a Yamaha EAD10, 缩放8通道接口/混频器, M-audio Air 192-4音频接口, CAD和at2020麦克风, 创新低音合成器, Boss环线站, 和Mac电脑.
If you have additional questions about the David Swenson Foundation Scholarship or 打击乐器 Studies at SCSU, 请联系博士. Terry Vermillion, tvermillion@stcloudstate.Edu或电话(320)323-3223.


  • 展示对基本音乐元素的控制,包括节奏, 节奏, 动力学, 和语气.
  • 学生选择的音乐会或基本风格
  • Should include flams, ruffs/drags, accents, a variety of 动力学, 和 a variety of roll lengths.


  • 展示对基本音乐元素的控制,包括节奏, 节奏, 动力学, 和语气.
  • 学生选择两个或四个木槌.


  • 展示对包括语调在内的基本音乐元素的控制, 节奏, 节奏, 动力学, 和语气.
  • Should include a variety of rolls 和 动力学 和 include at least one pitch change.
  • 学生可以选择2、3或4个鼓.


  • 展示对基本音乐元素的控制,包括节奏, 节奏, 平衡, 而通过鼓组表演的音色制作风格包括:
    • 中速挥拍
    • 岩石
    • 恐慌
    • Student’s choice of Latin styles including bossa nova, samba, mambo, 和 songo

