社区 Anti-Racism Education Initiative (C.A.R.E.)


C.A.R.E. workshops are vital to the university's journey to become a fully 包容, 多元文化的, 反种族主义制度. The workshop experience is comprehensive and carefully designed to include hands-on 行为ivities and inter行为ive small and large group discussions. 绝大多数, 学生, 教师, and community participants tell us the workshops are relevant, 引人入胜的, 信息丰富的, 和令人瞠目结舌的.

CARE 研讨会 2004 to 2024: Twenty Years of Yearning toward Racial Justice


成立于2004年, the organizers of CARE reflect on the twenty-year mission of the CARE initiative to “support the campus community toward becoming a diverse, 包容, 公平的, 反种族主义机构.” In 2024, CARE will offer Anti种族歧视 Wellness Checks to listen to the St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城和圣. Cloud community and ask three questions about CARE’s mission to uplift racial justice:

  • 你在哪里看到的?
  • 它还欠缺在哪里??
  • 我们如何种植它?

从这些聆听环节中, CARE will publish an executive summary of the results, use the feedback to tailor its ongoing workshops and antiracist focus, and generate healing artif行为s by which racial justice can be engaged in forms other than words. CARE will develop a comprehensive community antiracist education approach, honoring its historic legacy and ensuring its ongoing efficacy.


  • Tuesday, March 26, 2024, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., Cascade Room, Atwood Memorial Center.  
  • Tuesday, April 9, 2024, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. 在街上. 云社区.
  • Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., 校友 Conference Room, Atwood Memorial Center. 



The motif of the workshops is organized around stones of memorial and remembrance, 重量在召唤我们行动. 当作为一个集合完成时, the workshops form stepping stones from individual stones to islands of collaboration. Participants will pick up these stones, each with a different weight on these themes: 承认 种族歧视, 分析 种族歧视, 行为 with antiracist outcomes and methods.

车间的石头: Acknowledge, Analyze, and Act to Dismantle Structural Racism

石头一 Acknowledge, Analyze, Act: Dismantling Racism through Stories.

这个车间很重要 承认 种族歧视. 学生, 员工, and community members will unpack the definition of 种族歧视, differentiate between interpersonal versus structural 种族歧视, 分析权力和特权, and form an 行为ion plan to dismantle 种族歧视 in one of five areas: 1) housing, 2)教育, 3)法律, 4)医疗, 5)土地/环境. 


  1. Wednesday, November 29, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Glacier Conference Room, Atwood Memorial Center. 最多20人.  
  2. Tuesday, December 5, from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, 校友 Conference Room, Atwood Memorial Center. 最多20人.  

报名参加研讨会,网址为 HuskiesConnect.

石头两个 Acknowledge, Analyze, Act: Dismantling Racism in Your Story.

这个车间很重要 分析 种族歧视. 学生, 员工, and community members will 分析 structural 种族歧视 in their lives. Participants will generate an analysis of their racial story and who they can join to dismantle racist 结构s that affect them, 他们的社区, 以及它们的区域. 



石三 Acknowledge, Analyze, Act: Dismantling Racism in Our Stories.

这个车间很重要 代理 with antiracist outcomes and methods. 学生, 员工, and community members will generate art that inspires 行为ion in one of the five areas identified in 石头一. Participants will create an artif行为 that expresses their racial story and will identify other agents with whom they can collaborate. Participants will gain an intersectional understanding of how an antiracist framework magnifies other areas of oppression such as age, 大小, (dis)的能力, 性别, 性, 宗教, class, 新兴力量. Participants will learn to attune to the depth of interracial and cross-racial 结构s that thicken and deepen antiracist outcomes and methods. 



其他的石头 Cultural Humility: Supervising across Race, Culture and Identity

An advanced workshop for supervisors and graduate 学生 that explores race, culture, and identity. It dissects oppressive pr行为ices and offers pr行为ical ideas that will guide everyday work. 

Anti-Racist Pedagogy Across the Curriculum: (ARPAC)

The 明尼苏达州 award-winning ARPAC workshop for 教师 and teaching graduate 学生 provides intensive training about incorporating anti-racist pedagogy into courses across disciplines.

ARPAC fosters a community of educators committed to anti-racist praxis, which supports 教师 in teaching. Learning outcomes include examining theory, 结构, and the pr行为ice of 种族歧视 and power relations embedded in history and academic disciplines; raising self-awareness of social locations and knowledge production; empowering 学生 by validating and 承认 everyday experiences; fostering critical thinking and equipping 学生 with anti-racist language and discussion skills; creating a sense of community in the classroom; and developing skills for anti-racist methodologies in the classroom.


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