


日期: 七月一日
主题:  对你来说又热又湿?
                  2002年6月 St. 云 天气的总结


凉爽之后, 干燥的春季, the weather switch turned in Saint 云, 产生温暖, 潮湿多雨的六月. The average temperature at the Saint 云 Regional Airport was 68.5度,3度.比正常高4度. 然而, this only ties 1963 for the 20th warmest June on record. This was the warmest June since 1988, which had an average temperature of 71.1度. The warmest June in the 122 years of Saint 云 temperature records was 1933 with an average temperature of 75.1度.
There were no record warm temperatures set during the month, and there were only 2 days with a high of at least 90 degrees, 这个月还算正常. 事实上, most of the warmth in June was the result of the average low temperature being more than 5 degrees above normal. There were 15 days with a low of at least 60 degrees, including the last 12 days of the month. 同时, the last two days of the month had lows of at least 70 degrees. The average number of 70-degree lows for the year is a little more than 3 and we had two days already. 6月30日, 最低气温是75度, only the 50th day in 107 years that 最低气温是75度 or above. 只有 8 years in which there have been two days with a low of 75度或以上. So, the warm low temperatures have been very unusual.

It was also a very wet month, but not as wet as other areas. 月降水量为4.92 inches, nearly half an inch above normal. 6月有两天超过1.4 inches of rainfall on the 21st and the 24th. The period from June 18th through June 24th produced 3.58 inches, more than 70% of the monthly total. The heavy rainfall on the 24th fell in a little more than an hour, 在城市中造成山洪暴发.
How do we change from below normal spring weather to alternating heat and thunderstorms? The whole Central US weather pattern changed as heat built in the Southern Plains and moved to the Mountain West for the end of the month. This is the same system producing the heat and dry weather that has made the Western fires harder to control. Minnesota has spent the last 2/3 of June near the frontal zone that has separated the heat and humidity from slightly cooler and drier Canadian air. 就在前线的北边, 热浪气流在前方移动, 尤其是在晚上, producing large slow-moving thunderstorms that can produce tornadoes, 冰雹, 还有大风, but also produce flooding rains since they are slow-moving. Or when the front stalls, thunderstorms go over the same area night after night.

So, during the 19th through the 24th, the front dropped to our south. So, we had highs in the low 80’s, but nightly thunderstorms. This round of rain also produced the second wave of flooding rains in 西北明尼苏达州, including Mahnomen and Ada (for the second time in two weeks). 在9号和10号, 前线向我们的北方推进, 所以我们错过了所有的雷暴, 除了冷锋经过的时候. 然而, 西北明尼苏达州, 在前面凉快的那一边, got 6-14 inch rainfalls that produced the first round of flooding this month. On the other hand, from June 25th through the end of the month, 前线向我们的北方推进. So, we got the heat and nearly cloudless skies while the thunderstorms were limited to 西北明尼苏达州 or even southern Ontario and Manitoba.

Compared to much of the rest of the state, the June rainfall in Saint 云 was low for a few reasons. First, the city just missed some severe rainfall. The slow-moving thunderstorms on the 24th produced up to 8 inches of rainfall in parts of Wright County. Hwys部分. 25 and 12 were closed for several days as portions of the roads washed out. From Saint 云 westward, rainfall totals were lower than areas to our north and south.

然而, some of the lower rainfall total may be due to instrument problems. The automated rain gauge is suspected of not being able to keep up with high rainfall rates. 最明显的例子是6月24日. While the Saint 云 Airport rain gauge measured 1.10 inches of rain from the afternoon thunderstorms, the manual rain gauge at Saint 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城, 离机场仪表四英里远, 记录1.65英寸. SCSU 6月总降雨量为6.29英寸,1.比机场高37英寸. Some of the difference is probably a result of the thunderstorms, which can produce widely varying amounts of rain over a relatively small area. 然而, 当雷达覆盖范围相似时, 比如24号下午, the accuracy of the instruments must be questioned.

从凉转凉, 干燥的春季 to a hot and wet June again illustrates the dangers of long-range weather forecasting. Statistics show that seasonal forecasts are, in general, not good. 然而, 夏天的天气, dependent on small weather systems and thunderstorm complexes, is the season that is the hardest to predict. So, don’t ask me what a humid, rainy June means for the rest of the summer. The only sure thing is that it means a bumper crop of mosquitoes.


6月统计数据                  2002年6月              正常的
平均高温                           78.7                       77.3
平均低温                            58.2                       52.9
平均温度                                   68.5                       65.1
气温90+的天数          2                            2.2
本月最高气温          30日95分
这个月最冷的高温         3日53分 
本月最低气温        30日75分 
本月最低气温          5日41分 
降水(中)              2002年6月              正常的
月合计                                 4.92                       4.51
每日最高用量                    1.21日45分
生长季节总计(4月1日- 6月30日.35                     9.81


Historic temperature data provided courtesy of the Saint 云 国家气象局 Office, and NOAA / NWS
国家气象局标志 美国国家海洋和大气管理局的标志

发送意见至: raweisman@jywp.net