
July 2002 Saint Cloud 天气 Summary



SUBJECT: Rainy and uncomfortable, but no records
                   2002年7月1日. 云天气摘要
Common perception is that July 2002 was extremely hot, humid, and rainy. As was the case last month, the statistics from the Saint Cloud Airport do not bear that out. The July average temperature was 72.8 degrees, three degrees above normal. 然而, that only ties for the 32nd warmest July out of 122 years of Saint Cloud temperature records. It was the warmest July since 1988 (10th warmest all time), but that July was nearly two degrees warmer than July 2002. This mainly reflects that recent Julys have been relative cool. Only three of the past 13 Julys have had an average temperature more than a degree above normal. There were 5 days with a high of at least 90 degrees, which was nearly the normal amount. In comparison, July 2001 had 8 90-degree highs.

The low temperatures were more abnormal than the high temperatures. The average low temperatures were more than 4 degrees above normal, a sign of the high humidity during the month. There were 4 days with a low of at least 70 degrees, the highest July total since 1975. 然而, there have been 9 Julys with more July 70-degree days (the record is 10 days in 1936).
Saint Cloud has now recorded 6 days with a low of at least 70 degrees, nearly double the normal amount and the most since 1964. The record for 70-degree lows in a year is 16, set in 1931.

Rainy conditions were demonstrated by the July 2002 Saint Cloud Airport statistics. 更多的
than 5 inches of rain was recorded this past month, about one and three-quarter inches above normal. That ranks as the 16th highest July rainfall since 1893. The prime contributor to this July’s total was the 1.96 inches during the calendar day of July 10, the day with the widespread flooding in Saint Cloud, 索克人急流, and Foley as well as much of central Minnesota. 然而, more rain fell in July 1997 (6.89英寸),1990年7月(5.15英寸),1986年7月(7英寸).53英寸).

也, it must be pointed out that the Saint Cloud Airport July rainfall total is likely an underestimate of rainfall during the past month. One factor was the intense morning rainfall event on the morning of July 10. In the two-hour period between 7 and 9 AM, rainfall at Saint 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 was 2.70 inches while the Saint Cloud Airport total was .32英寸. This period of heavy rain only grazed areas to the south of I-94 like Kimball and missed areas to the south and east of the airport. 然而, 圣克劳德城, almost all of Benton County and other areas, 整个事件产生了4个.0-4.5 inches of rain with 2+ inches of rain in a brief morning period. The Saint 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 total for the month of July was 8.04英寸,超过2英寸.9 inches higher than the Airport total. Most of the month’s difference is accounted for by the morning of July 10, with rainfall gauge error strongly suspected at the Airport.

In addition, the wide variation of thunderstorm-produced rainfall was a factor. The greatest example of this occurred on the evening of July 24. A slow-moving line of thunderstorms set up between Sauk Center and Monticello. 机场(.36英寸)及SCSU (.47英寸)没有击中这条风暴线, but a cooperative report from 1 mile south of Saint Augusta showed 3.50英寸的降雨量.

The net effect of this heavy rain is that most of central Minnesota has received between 1 1/2 times and double the normal amount of rainfall since April 1. The latest weekly report from the 明尼苏达州 气候学 办公室(http://climate.umn.edu/doc/weekmap.asp) from Monday shows that the current growing season in all of the area, except parts of Benton and Sherburne Counties, ranks in the wettest 1-5% of years on record.

为什么又潮湿又下雨? Minnesota has spent most of the past 6 weeks just on the cool side of the front marking the boundary between the intense heat in the Rockies, 遥远的西部, 和南部平原, 和更凉爽的加拿大空气. This is a prime pattern for producing slow-moving large complexes of thunderstorms that develop both overnight and during the afternoon. There have been relatively few tornadoes this year, 但几次大雨, 直线风造成的损害, 冰雹灾害. After a break from this pattern the next couple of days, it looks like the humid and wet summer of 2002 will resume by the weekend.
7月统计数据                                2002年7月              正常的
平均高温                                        83.4                       81.6
平均低温                                         62.3                       57.9
平均温度                                                72.8                       69.8
本月最高气温                    6号95分
这个月最冷的高温                   10日70分
本月最低气温                  1号73 
本月最低气温                    50美元 23th
日记录温度                            没有一个
                                                                2002年7月              正常的
Days with a high >= 90 degrees                         5                         4.7
Days with a low  >= 70 degrees                          4                         1.8
暖季总数                        2002                    正常的
Days with a high  >= 90 degrees                          8                        10.7
Days with a low  >= 70 degrees                           6                          3.8
降水(中)                           2002年7月              正常的
月合计                                              5.12                      3.34
每日最高用量                                 1.96 on the 10th (broke record; see below)
日雨量纪录                     1.10号96分(旧纪录:1分).(1933年为76英寸)
                                                                                          总计             正常的
Saint Cloud Airport April 1 – July 31, 2001                    17.68                    13.18
Saint Cloud Airport April 1 – July 31, 2002                    15.44                    13.18
Saint 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 April 1 – July 31, 2002       20.48                    


Historic temperature data provided courtesy of the Saint Cloud 国家气象局 Office, and NOAA / NWS
国家气象局标志 美国国家海洋和大气管理局的标志

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